I really wanted to like this but instead feels like an annoying emo phase of the base game. I really wanted to like this but If you want to start totally clean and be (potentially negatively) surprised by its themes, skip this. If you want to start totally clean and be (potentially negatively) surprised by its themes, skip this. Overall I definitely recommend anyone who loved the original game to get a hold of this expansion.
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However, it does bring certain sections that are definitely not more of the same, playing more like a "traditional" horror game (traditional compared to the scary sections of the base game - looking at you, Dark Bramble) which feel like a very big departure from the base game's focus on "pure exploration" and I'll admit they can be frustrating at times, but there are only a few such sections and I ended up thinking of them as just another set of "puzzles" (except this time the riddles are not how to enter a locked room but how to evade or escape the scary stuff.) The story being told is great and fits into the existing narrative perfectly, the visuals are some of the most stunning in the game and Andrew Prahlow's OST is as great as it has always been in the base game. The expansion gives you more of the same, almost perfect gameplay of the base game while introducing new mechanics for puzzles, giving hints and telling the story.

it does not feel like an integral part of the game that was kept out and you can play the base game without even knowing it exists and not feel like you're left out, yet somehow it finds a perfect place to fit into this supposedly whole and completed game and feels like it has always been there. it does not feel like Just as the base game is one of the best games I've ever played, this is one of the best expansions I've ever played. Just as the base game is one of the best games I've ever played, this is one of the best expansions I've ever played.