- #Best python text editor how to#
- #Best python text editor install#
- #Best python text editor software#
Self.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(title = "Select file",filetypes = (("All Files","*.*"),("Text Files","*.txt"),("Python Files","*.py"))) Self.txtarea = Text(self.root,yscrollcommand=scrol_y.set,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),state="normal",relief=GROOVE) Scrol_y = Scrollbar(self.root,orient=VERTICAL) _cascade(label="Help", menu=self.helpmenu) Self.helpmenu = Menu(nubar,font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue",tearoff=0) _cascade(label="Edit", menu=self.editmenu) _command(label="Undo",accelerator="Ctrl+U",command=self.undo) _command(label="Paste",accelerator="Ctrl+V",command=self.paste)


_command(label="Cut",accelerator="Ctrl+X",command=self.cut) Self.editmenu = Menu(nubar,font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue",tearoff=0) _cascade(label="File", menu=self.filemenu) _command(label="Exit",accelerator="Ctrl+E",command=self.exit) _command(label="Save As",accelerator="Ctrl+A",command=self.saveasfile) _command(label="Save",accelerator="Ctrl+S",command=self.savefile) _command(label="Open",accelerator="Ctrl+O",command=self.openfile) _command(label="New",accelerator="Ctrl+N",command=self.newfile) Self.filemenu = Menu(nubar,font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue",tearoff=0) nubar = Menu(self.root,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),activebackground="skyblue") Self.statusbar = Label(self.root,textvariable=self.status,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),bd=2,relief=GROOVE) Self.titlebar = Label(self.root,textvariable=self.title,font=("times new roman",15,"bold"),bd=2,relief=GROOVE) Now, comes our Actual Code: Source Code: # Importing Required libraries & Modules
#Best python text editor install#
#Best python text editor how to#
So in this tutorial, we will be learning how to create a simple text editor using Python Programming Language. As though the ultimate work of a text editor is to edit files then too, choosing the best editor for programming is a trending topic of all-time in the tech industry, depending upon you can predict the power and importance of text editor in developer’s life.
#Best python text editor software#
Text Editor is the first most and essential need of a software developer those are willing to write code or simply edit the existing one, working becomes easier due to the different functionality provided to the user, they are customizable according to the user needs.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a text editor like notepad in Python.